Email Marketing Services

These days’ emails are as common as a newspaper. There’s not a single day when one doesn’t check emails. Most people start their days by reading emails on their phones. And that is why we believe marketing through emails is a great marketing strategy.

But most people don’t know how to do it in a right manner. And so, Aadi IT Services is here to rescue you from this hassle.

How do we help?

It involves sending advertisement emails, business requests, donations or sales. Through emails, you can build loyalty, trust as well as brand awareness. Aadi IT services will help you with all email marketing services such as sending purposeful emails to customers or merchants. They become encouraged to make a purchase. It is quite mandatory to build a strong bond between two people in business, and we will provide you all our support for that.

Why Email Marketing?


Believe it or not, it’s cheaper than other ads campaign. Even if you decide to hire an email marketing agency, it’s still going to cost you as lesser than others.


You can react instantly and modify your strategy of marketing using email marketing campaign. It’s simple to track response through emails.

Large Reach

According to statics, there were 3.9 Billion email accounts in 2013 and it reached over to 4.9 billion by the present time. How? It’s because people need emails for professional purposes and for social media as well. You won’t find any other media as wider as emails in today’s date.

Higher ROI Rates

As shocking as it sounds, its indeed true.

The Success Ladder

Yes, you climb it for sure. Since emails marketing is on a personal level, it can target ideal customers you are looking for. You just have to get it right and we will help you with it.

Our Aim

With Aadi IT services you can earn valuable income in less time. And our aim here is to be quality service provider and enable you to make efficient money through email marketing campaign.