Get more clarity into what services and products Aadi IT Services has to offer. Here are most frequently asked questions by some of our clients to help you make your choice.

Because Aadi IT Services comprise of professionals with many years of experience into technology implementation and have a track record of delivering the best.

Use of Internet and its resources to market your business to bring in more clients and sales purpose is known as digital marketing.

Because website is your company’s 24*7 virtual address that is accessible to your clients and helps you stay ahead of your competitors.

Because it is a device friendly website which allows your prospective clients to view your services and products online even by their smart phones.

We have a team of experts which carry out quality testing after each stage of development of the project which again goes through final quality assurance, that way we ensure 100% quality of the work.

These are the application software specially designed to work on the mobile platforms like android and IOS. They are developed to meet the specific requirements of the clients like online shopping, mobile banking, gaming and healthcare etc.

Both Web applications and Mobile Applications give your business a more client oriented look and friendlier user interface which helps them recognize you as a brand to make their choice.

A regular maintenance and up-gradation of the software and hardware ensures protection from the important data, machinery and time loss due to damage. It also saves from unwanted expenditure.

Yes, it forms a part of complete digital marketing package offered by us. You can also avail this service from us separately.

The entire project has a project cycle which involves continuous improvement from our team and approval from the clients. Thus, time duration vary as per the complexity of the project and time taken by the client to revert back.
It is a process to bring your web page on top ranking or first page of search results of search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo etc.
If you are starting your business or are stuck with low client reach to your website then it is better to take use of the paid SEO services as experts/agencies bring your website to the first page which increases visibility and ensures higher client reach.
We have a range of expertise in applications development for varied clients as per their need. We offer applications for desktop, ERP, CRM and customized software based on your requirements which you share with our team of experts.
Our Experts are well trained into many types and aspects of quality testing to ensure best software for your business. We have capabilities to perform automation testing, load testing, performance testing, ETL testing, Security testing and API testing.